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竹材高值化 生物质资源 森林资源
竹子中心竹材科学与技术团队在竹材高值化利用研究领域取得新进展。2022年3月8日,该研究成果以“Bamboo-inspired design of a stable and high-efficiency catalytic capillary microreactor for nitroaromatics reduction”为题在线发表在催化领域顶级刊物Applied Catalysis B:...

毛竹遗传转化 基因编辑 森林资源
中国林科院亚林所在毛竹遗传转化和基因编辑技术方面取得突破性进展。2022年2月22日,该研究成果以“An efficient genetic transformation and CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing system for mMoso Bamboo bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis)(毛竹高效遗传转化及基于CRISPR/Cas9的...
Evaluating Federal Urban Forestry Performance Measures in Massachusetts (U.S.A.)
urban and community forestry street trees urban forest management urban forestry performance measures Massachusetts
In 2006, the U.S. Forest Service implemented performance measures to evaluate urban forestry management in communities in each state. The Forest Service implemented these measures under its Community ...
Reading in a Second Language Classroom: A Pedagogical Report on Sociocultural Strategies for Reading Texts in the Elementary French Classroom
reading sociocultural theory French second language pedagogy
This thesis focuses on reading in a second language (L2) classroom and specifically on Sociocultural strategies for reading texts in the elementary French classroom. This pedagogical report first outl...
A Survey of Tree Wardens to Assess Urban and Community Forestry Performance in Massachusetts (U.S.A.)
Urban and Community Forestry Tree Wardens Urban Foresters Urban Trees Massachusetts
A Survey of Tree Wardens to Assess Urban and Community Forestry Performance in Massachusetts (U.S.A.).
Building Online Communities in Forestry: the Cases of Timberia.org and the Urban Ecology Collaborative
Forestry online communities content management systems web-services urban ecology forest products
In recent years, a second generation of Web-based technologies have as “Web 2.0” At the core of Web 2.0 are web-based services, social networking and online collaborative functions. Forestry, like oth...
Fire Regime Dynamics Following the Mid-Holocene Hemlock Decline in Eastern North America
Adelgid Charcoal Fire Hemlock Holocene Pollen
Approximately 5,000 years ago, eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) experienced a sudden, rapid, range-wide decline most probably due to pest, disease, or climate change. An aphid-like defoliating insec...
Landscape Ecology of Large Fires in Southwestern Forests, USA
Disturbance ecology Fire severity Forest recovery Landscape heterogeneity Plant succession Spatial pattern
The recent increase in large fires in southwestern forests has prompted concern regarding their ecological consequences. Recognizing the importance of spatial patterns in influencing successional proc...
退耕还林 收入影响 农户收入 京津风沙源治理工程
时间对样本农户人均年收入的影响程度。分析结果表明: ( 1) 工程参与对农户
收入的影响为正向关系; ( 2) 如果在村级早一年实施工程, 则人均年收入提高
17 37% ; ( 3) 实施退耕还林工程对消除贫困的影响尚考虑不足。
1998 年以来,中国先后启动了天然林保护工程、退耕还林工程、京津风沙源治理工程等六项林业重点工
程,每项林业重点工程采取了补贴、限制或者禁止林木商业采伐、禁止利用等多项政策。采用 15 个案例县的
1995 - 2006 年 3096 个样本数据分析林业重点工程对农民收入流动和收入长期不平等的影响,采用计量经济学
分析方法,计量每个林业重点工程对农民收入流动的影响。研究结果显示: 1) 样...
氮 磷 非木质残体
高山森林生态系统氮和磷可随溪流非木质残体的输出和降解而流失,进而影响下游水体环境,但目前缺乏必要关注.因此,本文以岷江上 游高山森林为研究对象,于 2013 年 8 月(雨量最大季节)调查了 18 条溪流中的非木质残体(树皮、树叶和<1 cm 树枝)氮和磷贮量特征.结果表 明,该区域溪流中非木质残体氮在单位面积集水区的贮量为 2684 mg·hm -2 ,在单位面积溪流的氮贮量为 774 mg·m...
江西省2001—2005年森林植被碳储量及 区域分布特征
生物量 生物量转换因子 森林清查资料 碳密度
利用"十五"期间(2001—2005年)江西省森林资源二类清查资料,根据优势树种生物量扩展方程,估算江西省森林植被的碳储量和碳密度,并分析其地理分布特征。江西省森林植被的总碳储量为263.87 Tg C(1 Tg C=106 t),其中林分碳储量为214.70 Tg C。在11个地市中,赣州市的森林植被碳储量最大,为70.11 Tg C,其次是吉安市、上饶市和宜春市。江西省森林植被的平均碳密度为2...